Jerome Map
There are just a few ways to get to Jerome, Arizona and the directions are dependent upon your origination point. Jerome is located between Prescott and Sedona, and within very close driving distance to its neighbors of Clarkdale and Cottonwood, Arizona. See the distance chart below which shows the number of miles from Jerome to other towns and cities.

Directions To Jerome
From Sedona. Jerome is less than 28 miles southwest of Sedona AZ. Take State Route 89A to Cottonwood, then through Clarkdale into Jerome. This is very scenic drive.
From Prescott. Jerome is less than 35 miles northeast of Prescott. It is below Mingus Mountain so expect some hairpin turns as you descend into Jerome. Take State Route 89 for about 7 miles to State Route 89A. Turn right of 89A and drive up and then down Mingus Mountain for about 27 miles into Jerome, Arizona.
From Flagstaff. Get ready for one of the most scenic drives you will ever experience. Take State Route 89A southwest through Oak Creek Canyon into Sedona, then see the directions from Sedona above. The total miles from Flagstaff to Jerome is about 56 miles.
From Phoenix and Scottsdale. Expect about 2 to 2.5 hours drive time depending upon your origination point. Take Interstate 17 Freeway north and exit at State Route 260 at Camp Verde. Go left (northwest) on 260 into Cottonwood and then left on 89A through Clarkdale into Jerome AZ.
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Driving Distance From Jerome
The following mileage chart shows the number of miles from Jerome to other Arizona towns and cities. Click on the other destinations to discover tourist attractions and points of interest in those respective vacation destinations. The Verde Canyon Railroad is just 6 miles from Jerome in Clarkdale, Arizona.
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